Restonic Warranty Claim CONTACT INFORMATIONFirst Name*Last Name*Street AddressCityStateZipEmail Address*Email Address Confirm*PhoneHow do you prefer to be contacted? Phone Email PURCHASE INFORMATIONStore NameStore Location (City, State)Do you have your original store receipt and law tag?* Yes No Purchase Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Purchase MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberPurchase Year20242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990PRODUCT INFORMATIONMattress Model Name*Mattress Model # (located on label)Mattress Size*TwinDouble/FullQueenKingCalifornia KingWhat did you purchase?Mattress OnlyBox SpringBox Spring and MattressBed Frame SupportWooden Slat BaseAdjustable BasePlatform BaseSteel Frame BaseQueen and King size bedding requires a metal frame (or bed base) with rigid center support as outlined in our warranty policy.If using a wooden slat or steel frame base, is there a rigid center support? Yes No Factory Location (Found on Law Tag)*Select A FactoryBuffalo, NYCorsicana, TXEscanaba, MIFayetteville, NCFresno, CAGrand Forks, NDHaven, KSHouston, TXJohnson City, TNNew Albany, INNewberg, ORNewington, CTOntario, CAPlant City, FLRome, GARomulus, MISalt Lake City, UTSpringfield, MOSumner, WAToledo, IATwo Rivers, WIWatertown, WIOtherPlease consult your law tag for factory information. If you do not have your law tag, your claim will be received but cannot be processed.Is your mattress free from soils/stains?* Yes No How many legs are on your bed frame?*FourFiveSixNineCLAIM EXPLANATIONPlease explain your warranty claimSubmit an image with your claim Suelta archivos aquí o Selecciona archivos Tamaño máximo de archivo: 2 GB. Click for more info How to measure your mattress for a warranty claim Place string, weighted on both ends, draped across the entire mattress. A yardstick or level can also be used. Using a tape measure or ruler, measure the depth of impression(s) from the deepest point of the mattress surface to the edge of the straightedge. Please do *not* take measurements from within the sewn edge of the quilt pattern). You may also include the following pictures: Close-up pictures of measurement Full top view of the mattress with no covering Frame and/or foundation set-up Law tag (found at the foot or head of the mattress) Get better sleep, today Find Your Mattress Nearest Retailer