A bedroom begins with FUN!

Barbara Viteri & Ivanka TrumpDo you love the way the moon shines through your window as you lie your head down on your pillow at bedtime? Does the view from your bed inspire you to get up and get out into the world in the morning?

As part of a new series – Bedroom Therapy – we’re taking a peek at the inner sanctuaries of interior designers and design enthusiasts. And we’re over the moon happy to welcome Babara Viteri. She’s the founder and owner of Viteri Style Management, LLC, a consulting firm that provides practical business management solutions to interior design firms. She’s an executive producer and creator for many design industry events and has been known to hang out with celebrities and designerlebrities like Ivanka Trump and Jeff Lewis …

Barbara’s bedroom style

We caught up with Barbara in the middle of a bedroom renovation and this gal knows her style preferences: traditional glam with a hint of OCD. She’s pragmatic about placement of furnishings and not afraid to admit that she covets pretty things to. «My current bedroom is more likely to give a designer nightmares than sweet dreams but these renovations will come to an end – someday.»

Movie night fun at Barbara Viteri's house includes buckets of flavored popcorn.Because Barbara’s renovating her bedroom, we asked if there are certain pieces she can’t bear to part with – and ones she can’t wait to kick to the curb. «I don’t really have prized possessions, but I do take pride in our family traditions,» she explained. «The whole family crowds into our bed once a week for Saturday movie nights, complete with ‘Protector Lamie’ and countless buckets of kettle corn flavored popcorn.»

It’s a good thing the Viteri’s sleep on a king size bed because scary movie nights mean the kids camp out all night with mom and dad. Bet Sunday mornings are fun there!

«My children are 8 and 5 and I honestly think we’ll keep this tradition until they’re in college,» shared Barbara. «Hopefully we’ll have comfortable carpeting after the renovation so they can sleep on the floor as they get to big too snuggle with us all night long.»


The Viteri bedroom evolution

reminder to read a book!«Not to get too personal, but before we had our children the last place my husband and I would get ‘intimate’ would be in the bedroom. Let’s just say there were plenty of other rooms in the house and no need to be traditional.»

But Barbara concedes that kids have changed the landscape and admits the bedroom is where the magic happens now. «We lock it down like Fort Knox when we want private time but it will always be our family gathering place. Oh, and we sleep there too.»

Speaking of sleep, Barbara recently underwent a self-imposed digital detox, moving all her electronic devices to a charging station in the hall and forcing herself to read books that require physical page turning. «I developed a bad habit reading books on my tablet or cell phone and as soon as an email or social media notification arrived, I’d be up long enough to see the sun rising.»

She still struggles with the TV in the bedroom though as her husband can’t sleep unless it’s on. The trouble is, she’s hooked until late in the evening while he’s fast asleep before the first commercial.


And then we asked about her mattress…

«Hold onto your pillow tops, I think it’s been over 10 years! To say it’s time to get a new one is an understatement. When I make my bed you can actually see a dent in the mattress where our butts would be – 2015 is the year for the new glorious mattress and I can’t wait.»

barbara viteri's dream bedroomBarbara admits to being overwhelmed with the high-tech enhancements made since her last purchase. She’s committed to drawing on expert advice and finding the best fit for herself, her husband – and the kids. We’ll have to talk about that, Barbara – we might know someone who knows something about buying a new mattress...

We’re always eager to know if people make their bed in the morning and why. And every one we ask shares something truly unique.

«I absolutely make my bed – proof of my OCD. I find that getting into a cool bed made up with high tread count sheets is the bee’s knees. If I didn’t have a chance to make all the beds in the house in the morning, I’ll do it after my evening shower.»

Barbara Viteri on the cover of Rise MagazineRead through our  other bedroom therapy posts!

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