New Restonic sleep study highlights the importance of a supportive, comfortable mattress

Restonic sleep study When it comes to sleep, we all want to feel well-rested and rejuvenated in the morning. Not exhausted and drained and craving a nap. Sleep is an event – not a task – and it takes some prioritizing to ensure success. Are you prioritizing sleep? How often do you get the healthy, restorative sleep you need?

If you’re not getting a good a good night’s sleep, you’re not alone.

For millions of Americans, sleep is a challenge (and concern). For many, the pandemic amplified existing sleep challenges. Nearly a third of women experienced a negative influence on their sleep habits as a result of the pandemic, according to a Restonic Sleep Survey conducted by WomenCertified Inc.

A report from the American Psychological Association supports the news of a disturbing surge in sleep disorders across the nation. They attribute the current sleep challenges to upended routines, more screentime (for all ages) increased alcohol consumption and blurred lines between work and home boundaries.

So what’s the big deal with a few sleep challenges once in a while?

Restonic sleep study Research studies have made it clear – your sleep habits have a cascading effect on your physical and mental health. Lack of sleep disrupts pretty much every system in your body, robbing you of the critical repairs performed during sleep.

Pulling an all-nighter – either partying too hard or binge-watching Netflix – causes most people to act like they’re legally drunk. Insufficient sleep also contributes to depression, weight gain, premature skin aging, heart disease, diabetes and even marital dissatisfaction, according to the Better Sleep Council. Even a sleep shortage of an hour can throw off your game. Remember how it feels when the clocks move ahead in the spring for daylight saving time?

The pandemic’s effects on sleep have been significantly harder on women between the ages of 18 and 29, of whom 42% reported worse sleep quality, and on women between ages 45 and 60 of whom 35% reported worse sleep quality.

The good news is that most effects of sleep deprivation can be reversed

Let’s start with the biggest contributors and detractors from a good night’s sleep:

All of these things affect your sleep but your mattress might be the most challenging one to correct. After all, it’s easy to add a dimmer switch (or blackout curtains), wear ear plugs or adjust the thermostat.

Restonic sleep studyBut your mattress is here to stay (well, for several years at least), and if your mattress isn’t the right fit for you or is past its expiration date, then the dominos begin to fall. From the Division of Sleep Health at Harvard Medical School, research reveals that people who struggle with sleep over long periods, are at an increased risk of a wide range of health problems and diseases. On a day to day basis: “Lack of sleep exacts a toll on perception and judgment. In the workplace, its effects can be seen in reduced efficiency and productivity, errors, and accidents. Sometimes the effects can even be deadly, as in the case of drowsy driving fatalities.”

When it’s time to make changes to your sleep, here’s what helps

Restonic sleep study There’s no denying the age of your mattress can exacerbate sleep challenges. According to our research, almost 50% of women cite ‘increasing sleep discomfort and poor sleep’ as the primary reason for buying a new mattress.

Experts agree that a mattress should be replaced at least every 7 years, if not sooner. But data shows there are lengthening expectations as to when that replacement actually happens. For women over the age of 60, who also happen to be most prone to disease and chronic health conditions, a whopping 54% of women say ‘every 10 years’ and another 19% of those women cite ‘more than 10 years.’

How often do you believe you should replace your mattress?

With so many health issues riding on a good night’s sleep, it’s no surprise that almost 70% of women surveyed say comfort was their primary motivator during their mattress buying process. But with so much riding on a single purchase decision, how do we guarantee success with our next mattress purchase?

We’ve been making mattresses by hand for more than 80 years and we know a thing or two about shopping for a new mattress. Here’s how to shop for your next mattress.Restonic sleep study

  1. Set your budget. Mattress prices vary wildly from brand to brand – and often even within the same brand. Before you begin shopping, set a budget. Your budget may need adjustment if you over or under estimate current market prices – but starting with a price range will help you compare similar mattresses.
  2. If you sleep with a partner, shop together. A mattress feels different with the weight of two people on it.
  3. Decide what you like. After you’ve taken a few mattresses for a test drive, you’ll learn if you prefer a hybrid more than a memory foam mattress. And just like when you’re buying a new car or phone, decide which features you can’t sleep without and which ones don’t matter. You might need to reset your budget at this point but at least you’ll have a better understanding of what you’re paying for.
  4. Take your time. Narrow your top choices to two or three, then lie down on each one. Assume your normal sleep position and stay there for a few minutes. Pay attention to whether your back, rear and shoulders still feel comfortable after a while.
  5. Dare to compare. Once you find the style you like with the features you want, ask your sales rep what else s/he can show you in the same price range. Don’t be afraid to go home and do more research online, looking up the manufacturer’s websites and social media. Read what people are saying about them and make trustability part of your decision.

Rest well & wake up ready to go!

Better sleep gives rise to better mornings, bringing your goals into focus and dreams within reach. Hungry for more sleep info? Dig into these posts:

Shop Scott Living Mattresses

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