Lemon Aromatherapy for Sleep – the Sweet & Zesty Scent of Lemon Can lemon help you sleep – or does it keep you awake at night? The answer is both…

Ah aromatherapy. What if a simple sniff could wake you up and energize you for hours – or help you sleep better? The zesty, fresh citrus fruit lemon might actually be the perfect “good morning” drink. It’s also often used in massage oils, perfumes and soaps due to its energizing smell. What’s more, it’s also associated with cleanliness in the human psyche, making it the go-to scent for most cleaning products.

The healing powers of lemon balm, the herb

Lemon balm – the herb as opposed to the fruit – belongs to the mint family. Native to Europe, North Africa, and West Asia, it’s grown around the world today. This citrus-scented, aromatic herb has been shown to reduce stress and it’s been used to help improve sleep since the Middle Ages. In clinical trials, lemon balm has been shown to act as a sedative, reducing symptoms of insomnia by as much as 42%. If sleep deprivation is chronic problem for you, lemon balm tea might be worth a second look.

Lemon Aromatherapy for Sleep – the Sweet & Zesty Scent of Lemon The healing powers of lemon, the fruit

The lemon tree originates from South-East Asia and was first introduced into Europe as a digestive, blood cleanser and sweetener for the breath after a heavy meal. Because lemons are super high in vitamin C (75% of your daily intake in one lemon) they were used heavily by the British Navy to help prevent scurvy.

While lemons have always been thought to be energizing, they have strong antiseptic and antiviral properties as well. They’re good for the body in so many ways, from preventing kidney stones to reducing tinnitus. Made into a hot drink with honey, the lemon fruit and peel can help sooth colds, fevers, sore throat and coughs. Studies show that the oil increases the activity of the immune system. If water retention or mineral absorption are issues for you, lemons can help here too.

If you’re unfamiliar with the healing properties of lemons, try starting your day with a fresh lemon squeezed into a glass of water. Apart from the energy and vitamin C, you may notice weight loss and a happily detoxed liver. Talk about a super food!

The power of lemon aromatherapy

In Japan essential oil from lemons is diffused through the air systems of offices and factories because it increases concentration and the ability to memorize, noticeably reducing mistakes. Research confirms that the aroma of lemon relaxes brain waves, which allows for increased concentration. Also, it appears to stimulate the mind while calming emotions, meaning sniffing lemon can be helpful when making decisions. Read more at HowStuffWorks.com.

A DIY candle is a sweet way to add the zesty aroma to your home or office.

MaterialsLemon Aromatherapy for Sleep – the Sweet & Zesty Scent of Lemon

  • Wax flakes
  • Pre-waxed candle wicks
  • Containers for candles
  • Non-toxic crayon or candle color block
  • Essential oils


  • Glass container
  • Saucepan or pot
  • Skewers or chopsticks
  • Tape
  • Stove
  • Scissors


  1. Prep work. You’ll want to start off by cleaning your glass containers. Using regular dish soap will do the job, just make sure you dry them thoroughly when you’re done.
  2. Set up your wicks. To set up the candlewicks in your containers, you’ll want to lay the metal piece flat against the bottom. Then use your chopsticks/skewers to hold up the wicks, and tape the ends of the chopsticks to keep everything in place.
  3. Measure the wax flakes. Measure out the amount of candle wax flakes you’ll need for each of your containers. The rule of thumb is two times the amount of wax flakes to fill each container.
  4. Melt the wax. Fill a saucepan with water to about the halfway mark. Place your measured amount of wax flakes in the glass container. Then place the glass container in the saucepan. Be sure the water level is low enough, so it won’t splash into the wax flakes when it starts to boil. Turn your stove on to medium-high, and use a metal spoon to stir occasionally.
  5. Add scent. Once all the wax is completely melted, remove the wax mixture from the stove. My rule of thumb is 10 drops of essential oil per 16 fl. oz. It makes for a moderately scented candle. Use less or more depending on taste, and feel free to experiment and mix oils to create a scent of your own. Add the measured amount of essential oil to your wax mixture and give it a good stir to make sure it’s well-mixed.
  6. Pour the wax. Make sure your containers are in a good location where they won’t need to be moved for a few hours. Then slowly pour your melted wax mixture into your containers.
  7.  Set your candle. Allow 3-4 hours for your candles to cool and solidify. It’s best to let them solidify at room temperature, so the cooling process is gradual. This prevents cracks in the wax.

For step by step pictures, visit SheKnows.com

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