Bedroom Design Trends, from HGTV’s Property Brothers, Drew & Jonathan ScottGet your sweetest sleep ever in a space that keeps up with the latest decorating trends


How did you sleep last night?

For many Americans, the answer is likely “not great.” There are some factors that we can’t control, like menopause, snoring bed partners or a demanding boss that haunts your dreams. But one key thing we can control is our bedroom environment by making it a welcoming oasis that promotes sleep.

Drew and Jonathan Scott, hosts of HGTV’s Property Brothers and founders of Scott Living Home recently offered their bedroom design insights based on the greatest and latest décor trends.

Is it time to say adios to Matchy Matchy?

A lot of people lean toward matching everything when redesigning a bedroom because they aren’t sure how to manage different tones and textures. And it’s a legitimate concern to want to coordinate a bedroom with matching pillows, duvet covets, sheets and even drapes. But when you only use the same types of colors, patterns or textures, you’re left with a flat, two-dimensional space. And that makes it easy to describe: flowery or manly or classic. When you layer in different elements to your bedroom décor, you’ll find yourself describing it as warm & welcoming or cozy & inviting.

There’s no need to come to a full stop though, says Drew: “Bedding in one color, style or theme—when done correctly—can look classy and timeless. However, you should never be afraid to mix things up! A lot of today’s trends intermingle different patterns and textures that create a unique and contemporary style.”

Whatever you choose for your bedding, the key to sleep success is keeping it fresh and laundered, according to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation. Three-fourths of the respondents (78%) reported being more excited to go to bed on sheets with a fresh scent. When it came to comfort, nine out of 10 participants believe a supportive mattress was the most important (92%) for sleep quality, while 91% cited having the right pillows and 85% like the feel of soft, inviting sheets and bedding. When planning your bedroom update, let those results guide you to creating your to-buy list.

A sophisticated, soothing sleep space starts with…?

Bedroom Design Trends, from HGTV’s Property Brothers, Drew & Jonathan Scott To update your space, consider one of the luxe, upholstered hotel-style headboards. “I love that look,” says Drew. “Sophisticated bedding and a décor aesthetic that promotes relaxation can help you fall asleep faster.” When you need extra space, he suggests a platform bed (instead of a traditional box spring foundation), which offers handy under-bed storage. “Storage that is stylish, hidden and functional is a win in my book!” he adds.

Though some designers have leaned heavily on inspirational or quippy mantras (like Live! Love! Laugh!) on bedroom walls, their time has come and gone. “When it comes to mantras and quotes around the house, less is more,” Jonathan says. “A picture is worth a thousand words—but a thousand words around the house can muffle the picture.”

If you need a daily dose of uplifting words, consider reading as part of your bedtime ritual – a great way to de-stress and ready yourself for a sweet sleep.

On the décor front, also on the wane is the rustic, shabby-chic bedroom look. According to Drew, “the farmhouse trend is somewhat fizzling out. But thankfully, farmhouse-chic stems from having a light and bright base, which makes it easy to transition into a more refined design.”

And while there’s plenty of passion around repurposing unconventional items these days, it may not be the right fit for your bedroom. Be sure to curate your ideas carefully. An abundance of clutter creates exactly the opposite environment needed for quality rest. Edit, edit, edit. “When it comes to your bedroom, the less cluttered you keep your space, the more relaxed and refreshed you will feel,” says Drew.

The National Sleep Foundation Study backs up Drew on this point. Respondents rated the qualities they needed in their bedroom to get a good night’s sleep. Sixty-six percent said a clean bedroom was important. The other elements they cited included: cool room temperature (79%), fresh air that is free of allergens (75%), darkness (73%) and quiet (72%).

Trimmed down bedroom design big on personality

While keeping bedroom design pared down to help improve sleep quality, you can still bring a little razzle dazzle to your bedroom that’s reflective of your personality. If you like big and bold, choose a smorgasbord of decorative pillows – both big and small – to adorn your bed. If calm, cool and collected is more your style, mix florals, geometrics, or plaids in small, subtle ways.

Personalize your space with family photos, framed handprints of your kids or a map of a vintage map of your hometown. Combine pressed flowers, post cards and small souvenirs from your travels in a shadow box. And if you’ve got family heirlooms, get them out of the closet. Drape vintage quilts over the foot of the bed or over the arm of a chair. Display a few of grandma’s tea cups on a silver tray on the dresser.

Your choice of paint color can reveal who you are, too. Blue is the world’s favorite bedroom hue, at least according to one global survey of 10 nations. Most Americans (44%) associate it with calmness. But you don’t have to follow suit. Love red, yellow or black? You can make it work. If your preferences run more toward a vivid shade, use it on just one feature wall as a focal point. Or bring it into the room in accessories and painted furniture pieces.

At the end of the day, when it’s time for sleep, remember that bedroom décor rules are written in sand. It matters more to put together a bedroom that makes you feel calm and soothed at night, rested and energized in the morning. The Scott brothers agree. “Everyone is different, and our sleeping habits are different. Invest in what works for you,” notes Drew.

“Regardless of what design you choose, keep your room clean,” Jonathan emphasizes. “A less cluttered space means a more relaxing and rejuvenating atmosphere for you to unwind in each day.”

Rest well & wake up ready to go!

Better sleep gives rise to better mornings, bringing your goals into focus and dreams within reach. Hungry for more sleep info? Dig into these posts:

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