We support overall health and wellness by supporting dreams of a happier you

What makes you happy? Do you believe being happy is important to your health and well-being? We believe sleep, a healthy diet and exercise are as important as happiness as it relates to your health. If you agree, we’d like to celebrate YOU!

In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly recognized happiness as a fundamental human goal and in 2012 held the first ever conference devoted to happiness worldwide. On March 20, 2013, 140 countries around the world recognized the first ever International Day of Happiness.

“The pursuit of happiness lies at the core of human endeavors.”

~ UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon

Happiness facts

We think happiness is the fourth pillar in a healthy life – diet, exercise, sleep AND happiness. Study after study shows that happy people enjoy life more and live longer. In fact, the Harvard School of Public Health studied more than 2,000 individual research studies and found that optimism and positive emotions provided protection against cardiovascular disease and slowed the progression of heart disease. Over and over and over again.


Worry you’re not a naturally happy person? Research shows happiness is a skill we can learn and enhance through training, thanks to the neuroplasticity of our brains. Now that’s something to get happy about.


How to be happy

The ten keys to a more joyful life can be condensed into one sweet acronym: GREAT DREAM. And since we’re the supporting dreams company, we couldn’t risk putting our own little spin to achieving happiness.


Giving. Giving to others releases endorphins, which boosts happiness. Studies show that giving things away makes us happy. Your time, love, ideas and energy are all great things to trade for this sweet endorphin boost.

Restonic tip. Give yourself something – the gift of a good night’s sleep. A well-rested you is a healthier you.



Relating. Being involved in social networks (online and face to face) protects us from heart disease, lowers our risk of heart attack and reduces mental decline as we age. The happy twist here is that not only do relationships make us happy, but happy people tend to have more relationships. Nice, right?

Restonic tip. Share your happiness with us on Facebook or Instagram.



Exercise. Our minds and bodies are connected and many studies show that consistent exercise improves our mood (even lifting us out of depression) and protects us from a smorgasbord of diseases.

Restonic tip. Unplug from your computer and get outside. Fresh air and exercise will help you sleep better.



Appreciating. Bad things happen to everyone but seeing life through the lens of gratitude reduces the impact stressful situations have on our bodies.

Restonic tip. If you didn’t get enough sleep last night, don’t worry, you can try again tonight.




Trying out. Be a life-long learner. We live in a big, beautiful world and new experiences sharpen our minds and reduce stress. Learn to see different experience as exciting rather than scary and you’ll stay curious and engaged your whole life.

Restonic tip. If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, it might be time to get help from a sleep doctor. You CAN learn to sleep better.



Direction. Feeling confident and assured that you’re making mindful contributions to this world reduces risk of depression. Ambitious but realistic goals that set us up for success prepare us for the next challenge.

Restonic tip. Being ready to take on challenges begins with a good night’s sleep and we can help you find yours.



Resilience. We’ve all had days, weeks and years that seem to deliver an endless stream of stressful, negative experiences. But when we employ some of the above tactics, such as gratitude, we become resilient – bullet proof against negativity.

Restonic tip. If you’re spending your nights staring stress down, learn some coping techniques. Your health will thank you.


Emotion. Openly expressing emotion is good for our physical and emotional heart health, like an upward spiral filled with joy.

Restonic tip. Cheers to laughing out loud more often.




Acceptance. St Francis of Assisi had it right when he prayed to accept that which he couldn’t change. Peace of mind might be the surest route to a healthy life AND a good night’s sleep.

Restonic tip. Learn how much sleep you need to stay healthy – it’s different for everyone.




Meaning. We crave for meaningful relationships and work and religious experiences. When we feel we have meaning, we feel connected, happier and healthier. This one is different for each of us but we know in our hearts when we’re on the right track.

Restonic tip. Don’t look too far for meaning when it comes to sleep. Sometimes it can be found in your bed – doing something other than sleeping.



Ready to celebrate International Day of Happiness? Visit Action for Happiness, a movement for positive social change, bringing together people from all walks of life who want to create a happier society for everyone.

Rest well & wake up ready to go!

Better sleep gives rise to better mornings, bringing your goals into focus and dreams within reach. Hungry for more sleep info? Dig into these posts:

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